martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

Here's your chance to make $40,000 per month with AdSense by being lazy.....

"Wanna Find out How I, By Being a Lazy Ass Make $40,000/Month
(Yep, that's 40,000 USD) Every Month
Like Clockwork From My Website"
"I won't just tell you how... Instead, I'll will give you the exact same website I use so you can copy me."

BUT you need to pay attention and read this entire web page.
If you can't do that, then you deserve your regular "9 - 5 job"...

Check Out Just "One Day" Of My AdSense Earnings...

PROOF-1: I made exactly $39,657.32 from AdSense in July 2009, and I make similar amounts every single month on autopilot. It's like a cash machine.

It doesn't ends there... see the next proof of earnings below...
PROOF-2: I made exactly $41,278.23 from Adsense in June 2009 This is all from this AdSense website by the way

Finally! A real proven method to make truck loads of money each month with AdSense. Don't fall for any other BS hype. I don't give you boring text to read. I give you my website which makes me more money than most CEOs of big corporations.

Okay, I admit I'm a lazy git, and I don't want to write a long, boring sales letter to sell you this system. To tell you the truth, I don't even need to. If you don't buy this system today, that's okay, because I'm already rich. I won't lose anything. But you might lose your chance to make it big like I have. However, what I will do is tell you how I made my money from what I'm offering your right now. Read on...

Are you too lazy to read? Join the club. Well you can at least read the following page. C'mon even I can read that. It's tiny. You'll like it

Dear Friend,

Around 6 months ago I setup my own Google AdSense website with about 10 pages. I was carrying out a test to see if I could make money online without doing anything, because as I mentioned before, I'm bone lazy. I'm just not into hard work... So I thought, "Why just create one site? Why not make more?" Then I had an even better idea... Instead of building more sites, why not just add more web pages to the existing site? Instead of just 10 pages, why not 1,000 pages? More pages, more exposure.

So I started adding more pages with AdSense ads to my web site. I split my site into 6 sections, and within a few days, my AdSense website had over 1,600 pages with over 300 pages per section. Each with AdSense ads. That's a total of 1,600 pages making me money online without lifting a finger.

Initially I earned about $1 a day from each section ($1500 altogether per month). But when I implemented a few easy promotion techniques, (which I'll share with you when you buy the system), I started to earn up to $10 for each section. Within a few weeks I was making an astounding $15,000 for all those web pages every month! Not bad eh?.

As I'm basically lazy, I just sat back and watched them grow. Today each section is making me around $30 a day, and I have 10 of these websites setup on different domains. This adds up to a phenomenal $45,000 grand a month, and it only took 6 months. This isn't bull, because it's been proven, and I'm literally laughing all the way to the bank!

What's the point of having a 10 page site when you can have 1,600 pages? The more you have, the more money you make. It's not rocket science, and it's no secret either. Like many things in life, making money is a numbers game. I don't always make $45,000 per month. Some months I make around $20,000, and other months it might be $50,000, but I haven't been paid less than $20,000 for around 4 months now.

If you want to be in a position to spend ready cash like me, then click here to order now, and have your site setup within an hour.

Alright, you can stop dreaming and start copying me right now! I am offering you the exact same website that I started with 6 months ago. Then you can do the exact same things I did, and start making money like you never imagined before. I hate sales letters that claim you will learn a secret. There are no secrets here -- it's obvious. It's logical, no nonsense, and no BS. I said what I had to say, told you what I wanted to tell you, and now I'll leave it up to you.

If making money without lifting a finger is not for you, then stop reading now.

If taking advice from a guy who's already made it big from one website is not your style, then stop reading now. I really don't want to waste your time.

You may want to go with the hype of other "top money making gurus" with their boring, 100 page long "money out of thin air" schemes.

The choice is simply up to you.

Just for your information, here is the ready made website which I use to make money with.

Home Search Page

How often do you use search engines? How often do you think other people will? (A lot!) And if they do, do you think they’ll click on ads? Of course they will! It's free for them... And money for you.

The website has Auto-Updating Live News, Auto-Updating Photos, and an AdSense Search box so you can make money even from the search results! What more could you want?
How about these extra powerful inclusions:
Easy to navigate, user-friendly administration area.
Set your web site name, description and keywords as desired.
Add a custom welcome message for your site visitors.
Build instant trust and credibility by adding your contact address and phone number to your web site so your customers can contact you.
Add your photo to the home page.
Eight social bookmarking links to sites such as,,,,,, &
An auto-updating flickr widget.
Built-in ClickBank RSS feed where you set the your ClickBank ID from the admin area.
Ability to add up to 14 banners of various sizes to the home page and tips pages, including affiliate banners.
Ability to add 4 backlinks to other web sites to increase your search engine page ranking.

Easily add or edit articles via FTP as you desire in text format. No need for HTML knowledge required.
100% resell rights to this sales page and thank you page packs where you will receive payment direct to your PayPal or Alertpay account!
Built-in tell-a-friend feature.
Built-in Google Analytics to provide you with detailed statistics and much more to continually improve your bottom line.
Setup PPC ads directly from the admin area to include Google AdSense ads, or alternative PPC ads from the program of your choice.

This system truly works wonders with its simplicity, and you'll be amazed how all these features combined work to generate a solid income for you just like it does for me.

A fully automated website which makes you money while you sleep,
Click here to order and download it instantly.

Technical Specifications:

What is Google AdSense and why should you want a Google AdSense website?

It's a program by Google which you plug into any website to display shows text advertising on the website. Whenever a site visitor clicks on an ad, the owner of the website (YOU) get paid for every click. How much you get paid depends on the keywords which make up your web page that displays the ads. This can range from 0.10c to $20 per click for the higher paying keywords, such as travel and credit repair. The website you get is made of these high paying keywords.

If you don't have an AdSense account yet, I provide you with complete instructions of how to set one up. Or alternatively, we can setup your account for you by setting up a temporary website. Does that sound easy enough to you? Believe me, it is. ;-)

Adsense Treasure is aptly named, and here's 6 good reasons why you should secure your copy today. Your new website is...
Highly Optimised - For quick loading & instant appeal!
Content Rich - For high search engine ranking!
Profit Pulling - For quick, easy revenue!
Fully Automated - To maximise your time!
POWERFUL - To make money like never before!
Proven - To enable continued profit-generation!

I'll give you my HUGE Google Adsense Website which you can simply upload to your hosting server YOURSELF and start your own Adsense Empire.

Highly Optimized - The web ite is fully tweaked to give you the maximum earning potential, using my own special techniques. (You won't get this anywhere else - GUARANTEED)

Beautifully Designed - Many hours have gone into the development of the entire site. It's not a template, but a fully developed website created by me from scratch. I have applied enormous effort to ensure you get MUCH more than what you pay for.

Fully Automated - I have build this website so that it's fully automated, and perfect for lazy people. You won't ever need to worry about running costs (apart from hosting), or maintaining the site at all. Just upload it to your web server and it's ready to start making you some dough. Imagine the freedom of knowing that you have an HUGE website on autopilot, working for you while you're out with your friends, or relaxing with your family. This is a priceless benefit!
Here's What You'll Receive Today:
A Huge Money Making Website - Integrated with AdSense ads, ClickBank ads, Affiliate Banners, dynamic RSS feeds and over a thousand content pages.
My Free Traffic Report - Methods I use to get a lot of traffic, almost instantly.
Free Email Tips - You will get some EXTRA tips on promoting your new website by email.
Setup and Hosting Help - Even though you get full easy to follow setup instructions. If you still have trouble you can contact us we will set up and host your website for you.
Support - If you have any problems whatsoever, you need only submit a support ticket to our help desk for fast, friendly assistance.
All Future Updates - Every now and then, I'll update the package to create even more revenue for you, and you'll have instant access to these updates forever!

Finally a tool for you to make some serious money.
Click here to purchase and download the setup files instantly.

I'll be honest with you. What I'm offering you is affordable for most. It's valued in excess of $197, but you won't need to pay that today. If you take advantage of this special offer, you will only need to pay $20 for this entire system. If $20 is going to make you broke for a week and make it difficult for you, please do not buy it. I only want serious "players" to have access to these websites. Here's what Mark Harrison, one of my customers, has to say about this.

"Never have I spent my money on something better than this website. I still can't believe it. I make more than $5000 a month and it's only been 2 months since I setup this site. It's crazy because I don't even run it, it's running all by itself. You know what, you shouldn't give away the site for $197, it makes it look cheap. You should increase the price a bit because it's worth a lot more than that....

Snippets from other happy buyers:

"I am Now Doing $300 a Day"

When my friend Abid told me he found a new dead simple way to make $1000/day from Google Adsense. I new I just had to give it a try.

I decided to do a test the system same day. Within 1 month. I was generating an extra $100 day in revenue from Google Adsense This is by far the easiest money I have made online.

Here is the amazing part within 3 months I am now doing $300 a day without even thinking about it.

"Adsense Treasure" ROCKS! Simple but brilliant..

Rafa Balbuena

Ponferrada, Spain

"This is incredible!"

Hi Abid,

I just finished implemeting 'Adsense-Treasure' system and I am very impressed. I would have never thought that making money like this on the internet was possible, especially this much money!

This is incredible!

I really appreciated how you clearly explained each step of the process and your list of resources was a definite plus. Your all 1600 WebPages are brilliant, very easy to put on and start making 'Big Bucks'.

I think that if anyone is serious about making money on the internet, they will definitely want to integrate this model into the "Big Picture" plan.

Thanks for showing me how easy this can be.

Much success,

Rob Richards

Are you absolutely convinced that this is the most affordable money-making opportunity that you've ever come across?

Alright! Now, I have some simple questions to put to you:
"Are You Ready To Get Started?"

For $20, this is an absolute steal... But what about the low price?
Does that really matter, or is it the results that matter?

Let me put it to you this ay... Would you pay $1000 one-time
if you knew you could earn $1000 per week each and every week for life?
I guess the only answer is "no" if you could not afford to,
or if you could not get a loan for the $1000.

Otherwise, the only logical answer to this is...


However, $20 paid once to earn thousands every month, and continually every month after that is an even better proposition, don't you agree? I'm not even charging you for the hours of R&D I did on Google Adsense to make this system such a winner

FACT: If you leave this page now, then you're literally leaving unearned monies on the table for someone else to scoop up!

Either way, whatever you decide... I'll still be making my $5k/mth!
It's up to your decision right now as to how much YOU will make

Act Now, To Secure The Complete "Adsense Treasure System" for just $20.00 (Gold Pack)

" Now it's your Turn!!!"
YES Abid! Let Me In!

Let me be the Proud Owner of "AdSense-Treasure System" Now! I can't wait to test it out and start making money
hand over fist!

I Completely Understand that with the payment of just $20.00, I will be receiving my "1600 Pages Website" of "Adsense Treasure System" and FREE Lifetime Support on this product..

On That Basis,
Let Me In At This Insane Investment Of Only $197 $20.00

>>Click Below For Instant Download!<<

We accept PayPal and All Credit Cards

Listen, I'm not here to give you rubbish. Being the lazy bloke that I am, I dropped out after my first year of university, and started this thing up. If I can do it, then you would have to be under 2 years old, to not be able to copy me.

"Don't be a loser and miss out on this...
Opportunities like this don't come along very often.
All you get is lies, eBooks and B.S.
Nothing as REAL as this unique system.

Thank you for your time. Now go make some money with my system alright


PS. Absolutely anyone can set this AdSense website up. All instructions are given with the site which you receive as a download link as soon as you make the payment. You can setup your first "out of the box" style website within minutes of purchasing. And with my promotion methods, you have the potential to start making money online very quickly.

Order Now